St. Stephen’s Mar Thoma Church had a humble beginning as a prayer group with very few families which grew rapidly as South Jersey Prayer Fellowship. It all started in the month of January 1997 and worshiped at SDA hall, 1365 Bryant Street, Rahway NJ. Then diocesan bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Zacharias Mar Theophilus Thirumeni placed us under Ascension Mar Thoma Church and came to be known as Immanuel Prayer fellowship of AMC from February 1998 to March 2nd, 1999. On April 1998 we moved to St. John’s Episcopal Church, Hoy and Hamilton Ave., Fords, NJ and worshiped there.

The Honorable Synod recognized this prayer fellowship as a parish of the Mar Thoma Church. Late Most Rev. Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma through his Kalpana dated March 2nd 1999 recognized us as St. Stephen’s Mar Thoma Church of New Jersey. Dedication of St. Stephen’s MT church was done by Rt. Rev. Zacharias Mar Theophilose on April 11, 1999. In 2008 we were blessed with a place of worship of our own. Our new church was consecrated on March 28th 2009 by our Diocesan Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa..

As a parish we are in the 13th year of existence and in the 4th year as the proud owners of a church. Let us thank God for the wonderful providence of the past. Let us also remember all the people who worked tirelessly and prayed for this dream of a small prayer group to come true.

Our parish consists of 5 area prayer groups. All auxiliary organizations are active in our church. As of December 31st 2023 we have about 158 registered families and 420 eligible voters.