Young Family Fellowship (YFF)  is an outlet for the young families of St. Stephen’s family to come together and share life experiences as well as get spiritual nourishment for life’s challenges.  We entered a growth stage with new families joining the group almost every month.  We now have close to thirty families who are part of the group with many of them providing active participation.

During these meetings we have praise and worship, bible study, other book studies and discussions on topics relevant to the young families, as well as some games and fun activities.  Different guest speakers including our regional Youth Chaplin will occasionally speak to the group.


  1. To help the young families of the church to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior
  2. To help young families to grow into the maturity and knowledge of Jesus Christ
  3. To equip young families for christian fellowship and worship life
  4. To facilitate young families to develop loyalty to the church and participate in the growth of various organizations and institution of the church.
  5. To equip young families to participate in the mission of the church
  6. To organize seminars, classes, workshops, conferences, etc. to create in young families interest in bible studies, faith and participate of the church, history of the church and ecumenical relationships.